Stamford Government Center
Patio Cafe (4th Floor)
888 Washington Blvd.
Stamford, CT 06904 
Directions from I-95 Northbound (from New York)
Going NORTH on 95 use Exit 7 (Greenwich Avenue). Go straight off ramp through the light (stay in the 2nd to left lane). After first light get in left lane and turn LEFT at the second light onto Washington Boulevard (you will go under an overpass). Proceed down Washington Boulevard to 3rd traffic light. At 3rd traffic light turn LEFT on to Tresser Boulevard. The Garage entrance is just ahead on the RIGHT. Enter garage and park on lower level, visitor's parking. There is additional visitor parking on the 4th Floor.
Enter building through sliding glass door. Do not go up in the elevator right after the first doors - they will go to the top of the garage. Go through the second door and down that hall to the right. You will see the Security Desk there. Please sign in.
Directions from I-95 Southbound (from New Haven)
Going SOUTH on 95 use Exit 7 (Atlantic Street). Go straight off the exit. You will actually be on North State Street. Make sure that you get out of the left lane because it will turn into a left turn only lane. Go through 4 lights on North State Street. You will pass Atlantic Street on the right, and then UBS Cennter. At the 4th Light, you will bear right onto Washington Boulevard. Proceed down Washington Boulevard to 3rd traffic light. At 3rd traffic light turn LEFT on to Tresser Boulevard. The Garage entrance is just ahead on the RIGHT. Enter garage and park on lower level, visitor's parking. There is additional visitor parking on the 4th Floor.
Enter building through sliding glass door. Do not go up in the elevator right after the first doors - they will go to the top of the garage. Go through the second door and down that hall to the right. You will see the Security Desk there. Please sign in.
Directions from the Merritt Parkway
Exit 34 - Long Ridge Road - South on Route 104 (Long Ridge Road) to Route 137 (Cold Spring Road/Washington Boulevard) to U.S. 1 (Tresser Boulevard). Turn RIGHT onto U.S. 1; Entrance to Government Center garage is 100 yards from intersection on RIGHT. Enter garage and park on lower level, visitor's parking. There is additional visitor parking on the 4th Floor.
Enter building through sliding glass door. Do not go up in the elevator right after the first doors - they will go to the top of the garage. Go through the second door and down that hall to the right. You will see the Security Desk there. Please sign in.
Directions from the Stamford Train Station
After Exiting Train, take Escalator up to Station Concourse, and head towards NORTH STATE STREET. Take the escalator all the way down, into the Transportation Center (under the highway). After getting off escalator walk straight and then take a left. Follow hallway to the end, go up the stairs (or ramp) and exit doors. You will have UBS straight ahead of you, and the Bus Terminal to your right. Cross the Street and walk across the stone path in front of UBS. Continue on the Sidewalk until you reach the intersection of Washington and Tresser Boulevards. Cross both streets, and enter the Government Center through the front doors. You will see the Security Desk straight ahead of you. Please sign in.
General Directions
The Government Center is in downtown Stamford, north of I-95 at the junction of Tresser and Washington Boulevards. It is the white and green glass building. The Advocate is next to the Building.
Depending on where you are coming from, you can enter the garage from either Washington Boulevard or Tresser Boulevard (see map above). Please note that the Tresser Boulevard entrance is closed after 5 p.m.